Lincoln Heights School

+64 9 833 7480 16 Keegan Drive, Massey, Waitakere City, Auckland, NZ
Lincoln Heights School
Step by step together we reach new heights.
Respect for self, whanau elders and the environment
Engaged in our learning, our school and our community
Aware of who we are, where we come from and where we are going
Celebrate out successes, knowledge, traditions and diversity
Honest be true to who you are and what you believe
Kia Ora, I am the Lincoln Heights School Social Worker, employed by Family Works Northern.  I am very excited to be part of the LHS community.

A bit about me:  I have been a Social Worker for five years, and have spent most of that time working in schools.

I enjoy being creative through art, dance and cooking, and I love dogs.

My role as a SWiS (Social Worker in School) is to help improve the wellbeing of LHS tamariki and their whanau.

If you have questions or need any support, please feel free to contact me.  I work Monday to Friday.  Families are welcome to come directly to my for support, or speak to one of the LHS school staff.

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